"Saiori" refers to a rare, special fabric originated with Mr. Yasusuke Maeda in 1877 in Koyaguchi, Wakayama Prefecture, also known as the town of fabrics, who initially referred to Europe's Chenille fabric. The fabric is woven by cutting along the warp of the cloth that has once been horizontally woven, turning it into a fluffy mole fur, and weaving it again according to the pattern using a handloom.
The name "Saiori (Reweaving)" comes from the "twice-weaving" process. Its dignified and vivid tone, gentle texture, and soft-touch won popularity both domestically and internationally, and has long been called the "phantom fabric."
The characteristic of Saiori is, after all, its strong cloth with a powerful personality. As it is made of 100% cotton, it is very friendly to our skin. Further, as the cloth is thick and keeps the body temperature from escaping, although it is made of cotton, it could also be used in the winter. As it is made of cotton, it could casually be used in spring and fall seasons as well.
The soft-touch with a thickness that doesn't change even after it has been washed in the washing machine several times is one of its strong points. Please, by all means, experience the warmth of the cloths that are all handwoven by Origin.
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Saiori Scarf
Size: About 150x15cm
Material: 100% Cotton
Price: 12,000 JPY
Origin revived the traditional weaving in Koyaguchi, Wakayama prefecture. Transmits the fascination of "Saiori" even through "Saiori" classes and in a vocational college.